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Sukraa Artificial Intelligence for Laboratory – Real Time

Empowering the Laboratory Information Management Software (LIMS) with ‘Auto Verification & Artificial Intelligence’ (AV-AI)

Resolve Resource-Demand Challenges

Strike balance between laboratory workload (Demand) and available man-power (Resource)

Ascertain Speed-Accuracy Balance

Strike a chord between committed TAT (Speed) without compromising quality (Accuracy).

AI/ML in 3 Phases of Laboratory Testing

Pre-Analytical Phase
  • AI/ML Based prescription recognition
  • Auto Bar-code Labeling of Samples
Analytical Phase
  • Equipment Maintenance Flags
  • Quality Control alerts based on Westgard rules
  • Analyte Calibration flags
  • Pre-Analytical Interference Flags
Post-Analytical Phase
  • Intelligent Triaging based on Clinical Significance
  • Auto Verification based on CLSI Guidelines
  • Enhanced Clinico- Pathological Dion Support

SAILRT High Level Process Flow

Superior Data Quality

Automated quality control and calibration checks ensure accurate, reliable, high-quality lab results.

Automated Verification

Adhering to CLSI AUTO 15A and Delta EP 33 standards enhances the quality and reliability of test results.

Automated Triage

Streamlines patient results based on clinical significance and Turn Around Time of test results

Automated Laboratory Process Orchestration

SAILRT automates your Laboratory Information Management System in improving your laboratory’s “Efficiency & Productivity”. SAILRT is a cloud based “Round the clock 24/7” modular solution; compatible with multi-technology, multi-site, multi-discipline and multi-supplier solutions.
SAILRT has an “In-built AI powered Multi-Rule Engine” which systematically and automatically applies cross validated rules to perform QC bracketing, auto-verification, auto-reflex testing, auto-calculation of results & auto result processing. Our technology is a blend of “Auto Verification & Artificial Intelligence” (AV-AI concept); built on cross disciplinary and clinical disease specific algorithms.

Lean & Sigma

Remove Waste & Errors

Paradigm Shift

Swift and Accurate

360° Integration

Round the clock 24/7

Clinico - pathological Decision Support (CDS)

Auto Verification & Artificial Intelligence

Optimization of Laboratory Process Management

Increase Efficiency & Productivity

Multi gated AI Automatic Verification

In-built AI powered Multi-Rule Engine

Auto Verification - Artificial Intelligence (AV-AI)

Approved methodology of Laboratory Auto-Verification (CLSI AUTO 10-A)

Machine Learning through Inbuilt Clinico-pathological algorithms

Abundance of data available

International regulatory & accreditory bodies moving forward

Cloud computing and remote Laboratory workflow management


Instant automated result delivery through auto verification through LIS / EMR to the clinicians & patients

Fast track Turn Around Time due to auto verification without over burdening human resources and saving cost

Uncompromised quality of patients’ test results powered by in built multi-gated auto verification rule engine

Our AV-AI technology aids to improve productivity of your laboratory brains by focusing on test exceptions and clinico-pathological correlation

Instant automated result delivery through auto verification through LIS / EMR to the clinicians & patients

Fast track Turn Around Time due to auto verification without over burdening human resources and saving cost

Uncompromised quality of patients’ test results powered by in built multi-gated auto verification rule engine

Our AV-AI technology aids to improve productivity of your laboratory brains by focusing on test exceptions and clinico-pathological correlation

Launching @ Medlab Asia

Process Excellence

10+ laboratory disciplines

100+ disease specific inbuilt algorithms

> 80 % auto authorisation percentage

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