Empowering the Laboratory Information Management Software (LIMS) with ‘Auto Verification & Artificial Intelligence’ (AV-AI)

Resolve Resource-Demand Challenges

Strike balance between laboratory workload (Demand) and available man-power (Resource)

Ascertain Speed-Accuracy Balance  

Strike a chord between committed TAT (Speed) without compromising quality (Accuracy).

Automated Laboratory Process Orchestration

SAILRT automates your Laboratory Information Management System in improving your laboratory’s “Efficiency & Productivity”. SAILRT  is a cloud based “Round the clock 24/7” modular solution; compatible with   multi-technology, multi-site, multi-discipline and multi-supplier solutions.
SAILRT has an “In-built AI powered Multi-Rule Engine” which systematically and automatically applies cross validated rules to perform QC bracketing, auto-verification, auto-reflex testing, auto-calculation of results & auto result processing. Our technology is a blend of “Auto Verification & Artificial Intelligence” (AV-AI concept); built on cross disciplinary and clinical disease specific algorithms.

Lean & Sigma

Remove Waste & Errors

Paradigm Shift

Swift and Accurate

360° Integration

Round the clock 24/7

Clinico - pathological Decision Support (CDS)

Auto Verification & Artificial Intelligence

Optimization of Laboratory Process Management

Increase Efficiency & Productivity

Multi gated AI Automatic Verification

In-built AI powered
Multi-Rule Engine

Auto Verification - Artificial Intelligence (AV-AI)

Approved methodology of Laboratory Auto-Verification (CLSI AUTO 10-A)

Machine Learning through Inbuilt Clinico-pathological algorithms

Abundance of data available

International regulatory & accreditory bodies moving forward

Cloud computing and remote Laboratory workflow management


Instant automated result delivery through auto verification through LIS / EMR to the clinicians & patients

Fast track Turn Around Time due to auto verification without over burdening human resources and saving cost

Uncompromised quality of patients’ test results powered by in built multi-gated auto verification rule engine

Our AV-AI technology aids to improve productivity of your laboratory brains by focusing on test exceptions and clinico-pathological correlation

Launching @ Medlab Asia

Process Excellence

10+ laboratory disciplines

100+ disease specific inbuilt algorithms

> 80 % auto authorisation percentage

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About Company

Sukraa Software Solution Private Limited, India based healthcare ERP software development company with its expertise more than 20 years

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